Hi, everyone.
We have now completed a total of 12 toilets that we are building.
Each farmer will have their own toilets, but some farmers are willing to grow and sell their crops as a group.
This time, one of these groups, the Vilimunthazi group (which means ‘to the future’ in Chitumbuka), conducted a market survey in Mzuzu.
They visited the town’s main market, as well as a restaurant, supermarket, and hotel (Macondo camp, Sunbird Hotel, Shoprite).
Although project members accompanied the farmers during the market survey, the farmers were the main actors and asked the buyers various questions themselves.
For example, what kind of vegetables they want and when they want those vegetables, where they buy them, etc. The survey takes about 30 minutes at each location.
Following this survey, the group consults with each other and decides what vegetables they will grow as a group.

During a market survey at the hotel

During a market survey at the main market